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- Page 6

  • The most beautiful city in the world

    Un taxi, au Texas :

    - Where are you from ?
    - ...
    - Paris ! I've been there. The most beautiful city in the world ... they say.
    - ...
    - Yeah, it's true. I agree. Only been there one day. But the most beautiful city in the world.
    - ...
    - Three things I liked most. First, the highways. Great highways. Two, the people. People are very nice. Three, the breakfasts. I loved the breakfasts. Especially duck ... is it, heart ? Is it kidney ?
    - ...
    - Duck liver, that's it. Great. Loved it. I brought some back here. People ask me : what's that ? I tell them : it's duck liver. They say : ugh !

  • Night celebration

    Excuse my english but I'm typing this on a TV keyboard in Texas with no such things as "accent grave, aigu ou circonflexe". I've just finished reading Kleist's Prince of Homburg. I am wondering why the (magnificient) opening and closing scenes seem so familiar ; as from some classical painting of an Allegory of Love and Glory (not Hercules' or Paris' choices but both together). Dark garden, laurel wreath, gold chain, olympian gods and muses.