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Like a séance in hell

(Plus tard : Keith est de plus en plus longtemps absent, gagnant petitement sa vie au poker, suivant de ville en ville, d'hôtel en hôtel, le circuit des tournois. Un jour, Lianne assiste à une retransmission d'un tournoi ("like a séance in hell") - où Keith pourrait apparaître, tel un spectre dans le temps circulaire et la lumière sans jour des enfers :)

(Lianne) came across a poker tournament on TV. (...) She saw three or four tables, in long shot, with spectators seated among them, clustered in pockets, in spooky blue light. The tables were slightly elevated, players immersed in a fluorescence glow and bent in mortal tension. (...) She hit the mute button and looked at the players seated around the tables as the camera slowly swept the room and she realized that she was waiting to see Keith.

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